Cost-effective Interior Remodels in Indianapolis

Surfaces inside commercial buildings are prone to damage from daily wear and tear and sometimes even vandalism.  Also, interiors become dated after many years, requiring an upgrade to modernize them. Renovations like these can be quite expensive and often results in operational downtime for the commercial space. However, there is an easier, more cost-effective way to do interior remodeling in your Indianapolis property using surface films, like 3M DI-NOC.

What are 3M DI-NOC Surface Films?

3M manufacturers a line of surface films called DI-NOC.  These films come in over 800 finishes to go over your existing features. So whether you have a wooden wall with dents and divots or a metal border with scratches, DI-NOC films can be placed over them to obscure the damage.  When used prolifically throughout your commercial space, you will get the look of a full remodel at a fraction of the cost of an actual renovation.

The architecture films from DI-NOC bring life back to your Indianapolis commercial area. When it comes to replacing worn or damaged surfaces, they will save you time and money since they can be put in quickly with no mess and little waste. The procedure is straightforward and suitable for a wide range of businesses, including hotels, shops, schools, offices, and more.

DI-NOC Surface Film Advantages:

  • Adaptive
  • A Green Alternative
  • Class A fire safety rating
  • Low-maintenance
  • Affordable

Work With Indianapolis’ Leading Surface Film Contractor

If you’re considering renovating your Indianapolis business space, we highly recommend that you contact our team of surface film restoration specialists. We have over a decade of expertise in creating and installing these films in commercial settings. With DI-NOC surface films, we’ll get your damaged or outdated area looking brand new again in no time at all. It all starts with a free consultation, so don’t put it off any longer. We would be delighted to come to your location and get you moving forward with a more aesthetically appealing city commercial area.